PHSE and RSE at Bedford Drive Primary School
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PHSE) and Relationships and Sex Eduaction (RSE)
“Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else’s approval”
From September 2020 the Department for Education is making Relationships and Health Education compulsory in all primary schools. To ensure continued coverage of this and of our PHSE in school, we have chosen to incorporate the Jigsaw programme into our curriculum. This exciting and popular scheme will ensure that DfE guidelines are adhered to while our children enjoy learning through ways which promote their emotional well-being, social skills and spiritual development.
SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) development opportunities are mapped throughout, helping children to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in the world. Jigsaw also contributes to the British Values agenda very significantly, both through the direct teaching of information and through the experiential learning children will enjoy.
Our curriculum for PHSE and RSE aims to ensure all pupils:
Understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.
Understand how to stay safe and behave online.
Develop responsibility and independence within school which will be taken forward into society and into working lives.
Respect other people, in particular, learning to respect the different cultural/ethnic/religious/gendered viewpoints of others in our school community and the wider world.
Understand what constitutes ‘socially acceptable’ behaviour at school and in society.
Be a constructive member of society.
Understand democracy.
Develop good relationships with peers and adults.
Develop self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.
Make positive, informed choices as we make our way through life.
Understand that we have a right to speak up about issues or events, and to respect others` right to do the same.
We would like to share our work and learning from Summer Term 2023
Year 2
The summer term started with the ‘No Outsiders’ book ‘Blown Away by Robert Biddulph’. This led us to discuss friendship and teamwork. This half term we have covered the Jigsaw units ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing Me’. In the ‘Relationships’ unit, we looked at how we make healthy friendships. We explored how we can solve friendship problems, help others feel part of a group as well as secrets, trust and appreciation in friendships. In addition to this, we revisited ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ and the NSPCC Pantasaurus song.
During the Changing Me topic, we shared how we feel as we get older and our bodies change, as well as an understanding of what makes everyone unique and special.
Year 4
This term, we have been learning about healthy relationships and how we can ensure that we have secure friendships with our peers and how we can talk to people if we feel worried about them. We also learned about ‘Changing Me’ so we can prepare ourselves for changes that will happen in the future, especially as we transition into our next academic year. We also enjoyed our ‘No Outsiders’ lessons where we read ‘Julian is a Mermaid’ and ‘Aalfred and Aalbert’ and talked about accepting differences and embracing them.
Year 5
In Year 5 we have looked at our No Outsides book called King of the sky by Nicole Davies. We read the text and discussed how it would feel live in a different country. We then had to sequence the story and write in role as the little boy in the text. In our jigsaw lessons we have looked at changing me. As part of this we have looked at self-image, how images can be altered to portray a different view and how we can look after ourselves. We have also discussed how puberty affects us and how these changes are all part of growing into an adult.
Year 6
During the first half of the summer term, Year 6 were learning about relationships. We explored how people can try to gain power or control over others, the dangers of being ‘online’ and how to use technology safely and positively to communicate with our friends and family. We also focused on mental health including the importance of taking care of our own mental health and strategies to do that. We finished the unit by evaluating the stages of grief and understanding that there are different types of loss that cause people to grieve.
In the second half of the term, we covered the unit Changing Me. We looked at how girls’ and boys’ bodies change during puberty and understood the importance of looking after ourselves physically and emotionally. We also covered how a baby develops from conception through the nine months of pregnancy and how it is born. As part of this unit we also explored what we are looking forward to and what we are worried about when thinking about transition to secondary school and moving to our next class.
We would like to share our work and learning from Spring Term 2023
Foundation 1
This term, Foundation 1 have been learning all about ways to be healthy. We have focused on brushing our teeth, drinking water, exercising and eating the healthy food.
Foundation 2
During the spring term Foundation 2 have been talking about ‘Dreams and Goals’. We have been thinking about how we could achieve some of our goals and dreams in school such as being able to run all the way around the golden mile without stopping or being able to write our full names.
Year 1
Dreams and Goals Spring 1
In Spring 1 Year 1 have been thinking about ‘Dreams and Goals’. We have been discussing what we are good at and we have been setting some goals that we hope to achieve. We have talked about feelings when faced with a difficult challenge and how it feels when we have worked hard and are successful.
Healthy Me Spring 2
In Spring 2 Year 1 have been busy thinking and learning about ‘Healthy Me.’ The children have discussed what it means to be healthy and talked of all the different ways we can keep healthy and safe. Year 1 children know how to keep healthy and safe.
Year 2
This term, Year 2 have talked about their ‘Dreams and Goals’ and what we need to do to achieve them. We have also talked about what it means to be healthy. We looked at the different choices that we can make to ensure we stay as healthy as possible. This has linked nicely to our STEM work all about healthy food.
Year 3
In Spring 1, Year 3 talked about their ‘Dreams and Goals’ as part of their Jigsaw puzzle piece. They thought about what their own dreams and goals are and practised working together as a group to help them see that teamwork really does make the dream work! Next, we looked at ‘Healthy Me’ where the pupils have identified what they need to do to be healthy; including sleeping, drinking water, being active and eating a balance of foods. They have also set themselves an exercise challenge to complete!
Year 4
In PHSE this term, we have learned about the puzzle piece ‘Dreams and Goals’. We began by looking within ourselves at what our short term and long term goals were. We then considered what traits we need to achieve these goals. Following this, we created a plan that can help us achieve these dreams in both the short term and long term. We then looked at famous people who achieved their goals, specifically the basketball player Michael Jordan, and the book ‘Salt in his Shoes’, the story of how he worked hard to ensure that he succeeded in his life goal.
Year 5
In our PHSE lessons this term we have looked at two different units. In Spring 1 we learnt all about Dreams and Goals. We discussed what our dreams are and how we would achieve these by setting ourselves goals. We also looked at a range of different jobs and researched their salary as well as the qualifications needed to care out that job. In Spring 2 our unit was all about Healthy me. We have looked at our smoking and alcohol can affect your body as well as learning how to put someone in the recovery position if they are in danger. Finally we have discussed body image and how this is portrayed in the media.
Year 6
In our PHSE lessons, the two units for Spring term were Dreams and Goals and Healthy Me. Children were encouraged to think about their own dreams and goals, how these could be achieved and why it is important to have a goal in our lives to work towards and aim for. Healthy Me lessons promoted a healthy diet, the inclusion of exercise as a regular habit and understanding the difference between good and bad drug use. There was also an emphasis on emotional and mental health and ways to manage stress levels.
We would like to share our work and learning from Autumn Term 2022
Foundation 1
Foundation 2
Year 1
During our Autumn Term we have been busy ‘Celebrating Differences’ We have had fun talking to our friends about how we are similar and how we are different and we have been discussing the different ways we can be kind to each other.
Year 2
In Year 2 we have been celebrating differences. We have been learning all about stereotypes and that it does not matter if you are a boy or girl as long as you enjoy your interests. We have also learnt about what is bullying and how to be a kind friend.
Year 3
During Autumn 1, children looked at their hopes and dreams during our topic of ‘Being Me in the World’. Children discussed their own personal feelings and goals and how their actions could affect others. Children explored how others may hold difference views.
During our topic of Celebrating differences, children looked at families. We explored how families are important and how everybody’s family is different. Children discussed the term ‘bullying’ and now know what it means to be a witness of bullying and that a witness can make a situation worse or better by the choices that they make.
Year 4
During our ‘Being Me in My World’ jigsaw piece, Year 4 learnt how individual attitudes and actions make a difference to a class. We discussed the different roles in the school community and how we fit in. We also learnt about democracy in society. In our ‘Celebrating Differences’ jigsaw piece we learnt that sometimes people make assumptions about a person because of the way they look or act. We have learnt that some forms of bullying are harder to identify e.g. tactical ignoring, cyber-bullying. In No Outsiders we read ‘Along Came a Different’ and ‘King and King’ where we discussed about how we should accept differences. We also had a visitor from the Deen Centre where we learnt about the rights of a child.
Year 5
During our “ Being Me in My World”, Year 5 have learnt about rights and responsibilities. We have looked at the UNCRC Rights as well as thinking about the lives of refugees and how we could be responsible when welcoming new children to our school. In Autumn 2 we have learnt about the different types of bullying, looked at a culture wheel and created a board game to think about how we could support someone who is being bullied. We also designed a racism badge to show our support to help rid this from our society.
Year 6
Here is a selection of our work over the school year 2021/22:
PHSE - Summer Term
Year 1
We started this half term by using a ‘No Outsiders’ book called ‘Hair, a family affair’ and talked about how we are similar and different. We also looked at how our families are similar and different. This half term, Year 1 have also been completing a unit called ‘Changing Me’. They have been learning about life cycles and how we grow and change we get older. We have looked at the things we can do as we grow up and how our body changes. Children have also learnt about body parts and sorted them into groups of what girls have, what boys have and what everyone has. Children were very mature during this and have revisited ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ as well has the NSPCC Pantasaurus song.
Year 2
The summer term started with the ‘No Outsiders’ book ‘Blown Away by Robert Biddulph’. This led us to discuss friendship and teamwork. This half term we have covered the Jigsaw units ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing Me’. In the ‘Relationships’ unit, we looked at how we make healthy friendships. We explored how we can solve friendship problems, help others feel part of a group as well as secrets, trust and appreciation in friendships. In addition to this, we revisited ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ and the NSPCC Pantasaurus song.
During the Changing Me topic, we shared how we feel as we get older and our bodies change, as well as an understanding of what makes everyone unique and special.
Year 3
Year 4
During the summer term we have enjoyed two ‘No Outsiders’ texts; Julian is a Mermaid by ‘Jessica Love’ and ‘King and King’ by Linda de Haan, exploring different relationships and accepting differences. We revisited the importance of ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ with the NSPCC. In our topic ‘Relationships’ we learnt about who is important in our lives. Our ‘Changing Me’ looked at changes to our bodies and lives as we grow.
Year 5
During the summer term we have enjoyed our No Outsiders text of “And Tango makes three” where we looked at different kinds of relationships. In PHSE we have looked at relationships and how our bodies and emotions are changing. The children have made decisions as to relationships are formed and completed a diamond 9 exercise thinking about how best to bring a baby up.
Year 6
This term, year 6 have been looking at 'Changing Me', with a focus on how we change as we grow. We have learned about the development of babies inside the womb and debunked some myths about what babies can and can't do before they are born.
We also looked at the importance of respect and compassion in relationships, and how to recognise when we aren't being treated well. We have also spent lots of time discussing the big change of transitioning to high school and making new friends in an unfamiliar environment.
Spring Term
The Jigsaw PHSE scheme that we follow at Bedford Drive Primary School consists of a different puzzle piece or focus each half term. In Spring 1 the unit is called `Dreams and Goals`. This involves thinking about our own dreams and ambitions and adopting a positive mindset in order to achieve them as best we can. It encourages us to have resilience to face new challenges and to learn as much as we can about our own chosen job and career path.
In Spring 2 the unit is `Healthy Me.` This focuses on making healthy and safe choices and understanding the difference between harmful and beneficial drugs and medicines.
Year 1
Dreams and Goals - Working well and celebrating achievement with a partner. Tackling new challenges. Identifying and overcoming obstacles. Feelings of success.
Healthy Me - Keeping myself healthy. Healthier lifestyle choices. Keeping clean. Being safe. Medicine safety/safety with household items. Road safety. Linking health and happiness.
Year 2
Dreams and Goals - Achieving realistic goals. Perseverance. Learning strengths. Learning with others. Group co-operation.
Healthy Me - Healthier choices. Relaxation. Healthy eating and nutrition. Healthier snacks and sharing food.
Year 3
Dreams and Goals - New challenges. Motivation and enthusiasm. Recognising and trying to overcome obstacles. Evaluating learning processes. Managing feelings. Simple budgeting.
Healthy Me - Food labelling and healthy swaps. Attitudes towards drugs. Keeping safe and why it’s important. Respect for myself and others. Healthy and safe choices.
Year 4
Dreams and Goals - Overcoming disappointment, Creating new, realistic dreams. Achieving goals. Working in a group. Celebrating contributions. Resilience. Positive attitudes.
Healthy Me - Group dynamics. Smoking. Alcohol Assertiveness. Peer pressure. Celebrating inner strength.
Year 5
Dreams and Goals - Future dreams. The importance of money. Jobs and careers. Dream job and how to get there. Goals in different cultures. Supporting others (charity). Motivation.
Healthy Me - Smoking, including vaping. Alcohol. Alcohol and anti-social behaviour. Emergency aid. Body image. Relationships with food. Healthy choices. Motivation and behaviour.
Year 6
Dreams and Goals - Personal learning goals, in and out of school. Emotions in success. Making a difference in the world. Motivation. Recognising achievements. Compliments.
Healthy Me - Taking personal responsibility. How substances affect the body. Exploitation, including ‘county lines’ and gang culture. Emotional and mental health. Managing stress.
Autumn Term
Year 1
The Jigsaw PHSE scheme that we follow at Bedford Drive Primary School consists of a different puzzle piece or focus each half term. In Autumn 1 the unit is called `Being Me in My World’. This includes thinking about rights and responsibilities, rewards and consequences and making an agreed class charter for the year.
In Autumn 2 the unit is `Celebrating Difference.` In Year 1 this focuses on similarities and differences, understanding what bullying is and making and keeping friends.
Children follow the structure of the Jigsaw lesson –
· Improve their social skills to better enable collaborative learning (Connect us)
· Relax their bodies and calm their minds to prepare them for learning (Calm me)
· Help the brain to focus on specific learning intentions (Open my mind)
· Initiate new learning (Tell me or show me)
· Facilitate learning activities to reinforce the new learning (Let me learn)
· Support them in reflecting on their learning and personal development (Help me reflect)
The Jigsaw Charter rules include:
• We take turns to speak
• We use kind and positive words
• We listen to each other
• We have the right to pass
• We only use names when giving compliments or when being positive
• We respect each other’s privacy (confidentiality).
Safeguarding is really important at Bedford Drive and we do lots of work about keeping ourselves safe. The children learn about what makes their environment safe and how we make safe choices in school and at home.
Year 2
Being Me in My World – hopes and fears, rights and responsibilities, safe learning environments.
Celebrating Differences – stereotypes about gender and gender diversity, standing up for ourselves, understanding bullying.
Year 3
Being Me in My World – setting personal goals, positivity in challenges, seeing things from another perspective.
Celebrating Differences – Families and their differences, witnessing bullying and how to solve it, recognising how words can hurt.
Year 4
Being Me in My World – Being part of a class team and a responsible citizen, group decision making, having a voice.
Celebrating Differences – Challenging assumptions, judging by appearance, first impressions, problem solving.
Year 5
Being Me in My World – How behaviour affects groups, democracy, being a good citizen.
Celebrating differences – Cultural differences, respecting other cultures, material wealth and happiness, racism.
Year 6
Being Me in My World – Global citizenship, anti-social behaviour, role modelling.
Celebrating Differences – Understanding disability, empathy, inclusion/exclusion, power struggles.
There are a number of ways that you can support your child at home with their learning and Mrs Curtis has prepared the following suggestions that might be useful for you:
Connect with other people
Write a list of the people to make contact with every day/every few days.
Ask them how they are
Share what you have been learning
Write them letters, or a poem
Draw them pictures
Send them photos
Play board games
Learn a new card or board game or get better at one you already play (for example, chess). You can do this at home or there are apps/online games you can play with friends and family
Travel the World
We may not be able to leave the house, but we can find out about people in other countries and visit the world from home.
Chose a new country to visit, virtually, every day. Learn the things that are special about the new places you go to….
What animals live there?
What is special about the place and its people?
What do they eat?
Which continent is it?
Identify its location on a map
What is its climate like?
What other interesting facts did you learn?
Look in an atlas, online, or start with these clips from Where in the World? On CBeebies.
My World Kitchen teaches children about food from different parts of the world.
Be physically active
Go for a walk together, learn some yoga positions or
Watch YouTube and learn a new dance!
At Bedford Drive Primary School, we have constructed an ambitious PHSE and RSE Curriculum, which follows the content of the Jigsaw Programme. This document, along with our school policy and other useful information can be viewed below.
Relationship and Health Education Curriculum
Please find information on our Relationships and Health Education Curriculum on the link below. This explains the coverage for each key stage and examples of lessons.