Design Technology at Bedford Drive Primary School
““Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” ”
The School has adapted the National Curriculum for Design and Technology as defined by the Department for Education. The National Curriculum for DT aims to ensure that all pupils:
The national curriculum for design and technology aims to ensure that all pupils:
develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world;
build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users;
critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others;
understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.
We would like to share our work and learning from Summer Term 2023
Year 2
In year 2, we have explored how axles and wheels work together which has helped them create a moving vehicle. The children also explored how cars have changed over time and created a timeline using images of cars. We have designed, made and evaluated a moving vehicle for Duffy the turtle to transport him to the turtle sanctuary.
Year 3
During Summer 2, Year 3 investigated shell structures. Using our knowledge of famous landmarks we looked at Sydney Opera House. Children analysed products that are currently available and how they utilise a net to turn a 2D shape into a 3D shell structure. Children reviewed several items and dismantled one into its original net. With the design brief of building a shell structure to contain and protect a small treasure, children selected their own net that would fit our specification. Children then designed and built their own shell structure, evaluating their product once it was complete.
Year 4
This term we learnt about the Archimedes Screw and the impact that this design. We then discussed how it has evolved over the years from being powered by hand to today’s current methods. We then investigated different types of mechanisms, practising our measuring and cutting skills and different types of pivot, before designing, making and evaluating a storyboard for younger children. We decided to use nursery rhymes and some of our characters moved using a mechanism.
Year 6
During Summer 2, Year 6 investigated burglar alarm systems. The children researched and analysed a variety of different alarm systems to develop an understanding of their purpose and functions. Year 6 were very fortunate to experience a Hi-Impact workshop this term. This involved, through the use of micro:bits, the children to practice constructing an alarm system which was controlled by a computer control program. Our learning then moved onto designing their burglar alarm system, building the product then evaluating it once it was complete.
We would like to share our work and learning from Spring Term 2023
Foundation 1
In D.T, Foundation 1 have been learning about textiles and looking at work by the famous hat designer Philip Treacy. The children have been adding embellishments to different fabrics to make their own Easter Crowns.
Foundation 2
This term Foundation 2 have been learning about simple mechanisms and how things move. We have enhanced many areas of provision with resources that enable our learners to make simple mechanisms. We have also designed and created simple vehicles with movable wheels for the STEM project.
Year 1
This term Year 1 have learnt about Mechanisms. They researched moving pictures in real life objects and discovered how they worked. They have learnt how to make a slider and a lever with a pivot. They have used these new skills to help produce a Moving Picture for their STEM project.
Following on from these focussed practical tasks, Year 1 were able to design a moving picture Easter card.
We also enjoyed a visit from The Food Chef, where we had a wonderful afternoon learning about Chinese food and got the opportunity to chop, slice, juice vegetables and then help to prepare and cook a delicious and healthy stir fry, with spring rolls! Lots of tasting and trying new foods.
Year 2
Year 2 really enjoyed taking part in the Fun Food Chef workshop last half term. We all learnt some new food preparation and cooking skills and tasted a variety of delicious Chinese food that we had made ourselves. For our STEMterprise project, we are looking forward to making a healthy vegetable soup to sell at our marketplace.
Year 3
This term, Year 3’s DT has been a unit of work on cooking and nutrition. For this, children learnt about a healthy and varied diet and have designed, made and evaluated a bread-based snack to sell at the STEM market place. The children safely practised skills such as spreading (butter), grating (cheese), slicing (tomatoes and onions) and toasting to create toasties, which they ate and evaluated. After carrying out market research, we knew we needed to make toasties to cater for a variety of dietary requirements, as well as making sure we were offering a healthy, balanced snack to sell. Therefore, children worked in groups to make toasties with fillings such as cheese and ham, cheese and onion, vegan cheese and tomato, tuna, sweetcorn and cheese and cheese and tomato. All toasties were made using wholemeal bread and diary free spread.
Year 4
In DT this half term, we have been working on our STEMterprise project. This is an electronic board game that builds upon our knowledge of circuits and electricity. Children began by learning about Alessandro Volta, the creator of the first battery, and the impact he had on the field of electricity. We then looked at switches and how these can be incorporated into circuitry to enhance games before trying to design and create our own switches to complete circuits. Following this, we decided on a design specification for our game and had lots of fun designing our product for sale. Children then created their electronic game while focussing on safety and practicality. Then then had to use their maths skills to calculate costing and profits.
Year 5
Year 5 began this term with an exciting visit to the Fun Food Chef, linked to Chinese New Year. They learnt about different foods and developed skills such as chopping. Pupils worked in groups to prepare and make their own Chinese style chicken/ veg noodles. Lots of children tasted new foods during this and said they were keen to take part in cooking at home too!
During the second half term, we have studied designer Mary Quant and looked at different fastenings such as zips, buttons and toggles. For our STEMterprise project we have used this information to design our own tote bag with a pocket, handle and fastening. We cut out our own pattern piece for the pocket, then stitched our bag and decorated with embellishments.
Year 6
In DT this half term the children having been working towards their STEMterprise project. In Year 6, our project focused on cooking and nutrition and the children made a pasta salad. They began by researching an influential person, Gino D’Acampo, and understanding how the invention of the tin can has significantly impacted many of the foods we enjoy today. The children conducted market research into the popularity of pasta salad ingredients before exploring the nutritional value of many of the most popular choices. When making the pasta salad, the children thought carefully about their cutting, boiling and grating skills as well as safe food preparation methods including refrigeration and cleanliness. After selling their product, the children were able to calculate their profit and loss and critically evaluate the success of the product they had made.
We would like to share our work and learning from Autumn Term 2022
Foundation 1
Foundation 1 have been exploring different construction materials to make homes for classroom toys and teddies. They have been learning how to communicate their ideas with friends and work together to make different structures.
Foundation 2
This term Foundation 2 have been learning about joining materials. We have enhanced many areas of provision with resources that enable our learners to join effectively such as the construction area and in the studio.
Year 1
In Year 1, we have explored free-standing structures and what makes them successful. We made links with our English story of Rapunzel and planned what sort of tower would keep her safe. We used different materials to investigate successful structures and then built our own using paper.
Year 2
In Year 2, we made delightful decorations using templates and practised our joining techniques. We designed, made and evaluated a delightful decoration. We communicated designs through discussions, drawings, templates and words. We chose appropriate tools and equipment and used these safely. We explained what went well and discussed if we would improve what we had made if we made it again in the future.
Year 3
Year 3 have enjoyed a ‘Marvellous Monster’ textile project this harm term. We started by investigating and analysing existing products. We discussed things such as who might use this it? When might it be used? How has it been made? Where is it from? Children then worked hard on a focussed practical task, where they practised a running stitch, which they learnt in Year 2 and then learnt a new stitch, called an over-stitch to join pieces of fabric together. Year 3 have really enjoyed designing, making and evaluating a soft toy, which will be a gift for someone else!
Year 4
In Year 4, we have been learning about a healthy and varied diet. We are designed and prepared a pizza using the five food groups. We have studied the celebrity chef Paul Hollywood to inspire us when we make our own dough for our pizza. We developed our cutting skills when we prepared and then tasted the toppings. We then evaluated our product
Year 5
In Year 5, we have been learning about seasonality. We have designed and prepared a Christmas biscuit as a gift for a young child. We have studied the celebrity baker Mary Berry to inspire our baking. We tasted and evaluated the different types of biscuits and the suitability for our design brief. We then researched the different spices associated with Christmas and designed our biscuits. We then made and decorated our final biscuit before evaluating the whole DT process.
Year 6
During the Autumn Term, Year 6 have been studying mechanical systems with the aim of designing, making and evaluating a moving vehicle that incorporates pulleys and gears. We began by exploring mechanisms and revisiting how pulleys and gears work and our focus designer: Henry Ford. Next, we considered our target market and the specification and the used CAD to design our vehicles using Tinkercad. We then work in teams to build our cars and once built, we tested and evaluated them to see how we could further improve our design.
Here is a selection of our work over the school year 2021/22
Summer Term
Here is a selection of our learning from the Summer Term
Foundation 1
Foundation 1 have been focussing on exploring texture and junk modelling this term and made some wonderful creations!
Foundation 2
This term Foundation 2 have been learning about food and nutrition and how to make healthy food choices. We have also been learning about health and safety in the home, particularly in the kitchen.
Year 1
Year 1 have learnt how to safely use a knife. They cut fruit using a bridge grip to carefully chop, slice and prepare fruit to make a fruit kebab. They tasted a range of fruit and scored it based on how it looked, tasted, smelt and felt. This linked nicely with Science as they have been learning about their senses! The children also designed and evaluated their fruit kebab as well as learning about where some fruit comes from and how it grows. Many children tried fruit they had not eaten before and some even found some new favourite fruit! Children went home happy with a tummy full of tasty fruit!
Year 2
Year 2 have been looking at moving vehicles and has designed and made their own vehicles using wheels and axels. The children were able to evaluate both of their designs, suggesting ways forward.
Year 3
During our DT this term, we have looked at structures, focusing on miniature greenhouses. Children researched and investigated the purpose and structure of greenhouses and gathered inspiration for a miniature design of their own. Children sort appropriate materials which would meet the specification and its use. Children learnt to join to pieces of wood using a triangle joint.
Year 4
During the summer term, Year 4 evaluated different torches and switches before designing our own electrical circuits. We then used these designs to create our own torch; selecting the appropriate materials and making own switch to produce our final product.
Year 5
This term, Year 5 have been investigating framed structures. We have worked with Hi Impact and used kits to look at how best to make a structure. We have also investigated different ways to join materials together and how best we can strengthen the structures. As part of our project we have looked at the design brief and tools needed for the project. Finally we used our findings to create a final framed structure – an animal hide.
Year 6
This term, year 6 have been investigating complex circuits and specifically looking at alarms systems. We started by conducting research into the various types of security alarms, before deciding which one would be most appropriate to our aims. Following that, we created a design brief and investigated a methodology for how to make our alarms. We drew both circuit diagrams, and product diagrams, before making our alarms. These worked great and we were able to evaluate our project while having lots of fun!
Spring Term
Here is a selection of our learning from the Spring Term
Foundation 1 - Expressive Arts and Design – Creating with materials.
Foundation 1 have been designing and making their own mini-beasts using different materials, play-dough, pipe cleaners and natural materials.
Foundation 2 - Expressive Arts and Design – Creating with materials.
Throughout the Spring term, Foundation 2 children have continued to safely explore a range of tools and materials. They have looked at a range of joining techniques, including folding and stapling.
Year 1 – Freestanding Structures / Mechanisms – Sliders and Levers
Year 1 children worked hard to make paper stiff and sturdy to create freestanding structures. They carried out focused practical tasks to practise and develop new skills. This term, Year 1 have also started to learn about mechanisms, in particular, sliders and levers to create a moving picture!
Year 2 - Cooking and Nutrition
As part of their STEM project, Year 2 children have been learning about healthy eating, where food comes from and animals and their produce. They designed made and sold tasty cookies at our Market-Place.
Year 3 – Cooking and Nutrition – Bread Based Snack
As part of the STEM project, Year 3 have designed and made a bread based snack, which was sold at our Market-Place. They have written a specification, worked to a budget and completed design ideas as well as writing up their instructions for others to follow.
Year 4 – Mechanisms – Levers and Linkages
Year 4 children have learnt about mechanisms this term, focusing on levers and linkages. They have analysed existing products before designing, making and evaluating their own Easter cards.
Y5 – Textiles – Combing Different Fabric Shapes
Year 5 have learnt about combining different fabric shapes as part of their Textiles unit of work this term. They have practiced and developed their sewing skills before designing and making a bag, which was handmade with love and sold at our Market-Place.
Y6 – Cooking and Nutrition
Year 6 have been learning about food and nutrition. They began by looking at seasonality, what's growing in the UK during the Spring, allergens and food labelling. The children then completed some market research asking other children and staff members their favourite salad ingredients. They recorded these as a tally chart before using Google Sheets to create a graph to demonstrate their findings. Once they had decided on the most popular ingredients as a class, the children used Tesco's website to look up the nutritional value of each ingredient, cost and allergen information. The children created posters, thinking about advertising strategies and the legal requirements when selling food items. When making the salad, the children worked in small groups peeling, grating and chopping the ingredients. They explored costs when considering pricing to ensure that they would make a healthy profit and the children selling the salads calculated the costs/change for customers. Finally the children completed an evaluation of the salad and were able to reflect upon what went well and what they would do differently next time.
Autumn Term
Foundation 1 - Expressive Arts and Design – Creating with materials.
Throughout the Autumn term, F1 children have explored different materials and used their senses to investigate them. They have started to make simple models, which express their ideas.
Foundation 2 - Expressive Arts and Design – Creating with materials.
Throughout the Autumn term, F2 children have been learning how to safely explore a range of tools and materials. They have been developing their motor skills to cut, build and shape materials.
Year 1 – Playground Equipment (Hi Impact Workshop)
Year 1 children had a fantastic time working together using an MTa STEM kit. This allowed them to work as a team and develop communication and problem solving skills. They built playground equipment, exploring how to make their product stronger and more stable.
Year 2 Textiles – ‘Delightful Decorations’
Year 2 children communicated design ideas through discussions, drawings and template. They learnt how to safely measure, mark out cut and join fabrics to create a fantastic gingerbread decoration.
Year 3 - Textiles ‘Seasonal Stocking’
Y3 children enjoyed making their seasonal stocking. They communicated design ideas through annotated sketches and safely used told and equipment to assemble and join fabrics together. Children really enjoyed learning different stiches such as running stich, over stitch and blanket stitch.
Year 4 – Food and Nutrition ‘Perfect Pizzas’
Year 4 children enjoyed learning about what makes a healthy and balanced diet. They evaluated a variety of pizza toppings by completing a taste test activity and used this to inform their design decisions. They enjoyed weighing and measuring to make the dough; slicing and chopping a range of ingredients for their toppings and most of all – they enjoyed eating their perfect pizzas!
Year 5 Food and Nutrition – ‘Celebrating Culture and Seasonality’
Year 5 children enjoyed their ‘technical challenge!’ They read a recipe, followed a set of instructions and practised their weighing and measuring skills to create these tasty biscuits.
Year 6 – Pulleys and Gears
Year 6 children have looked at designing toys. They will be explored pulleys and gears and found out how to use technical knowledge and accurate skills to problem solve.
There are a number of ways that you can support with your childs learning at home in DT, please click here for some suggestions from The Lego Foundation
At Bedford Drive Primary School, we have constructed an ambitious DT Curriculum, which follows the content of the EYFS Framework and the National Curriculum. These documents, along with our school policy are available below.
Attendance results are in for WB 06/12/21 1LQ = 94.14% 1CD = 91.28% Our school target is 97% Let's try and achieve…
We are very lucky! Thank you @emilycoxhead at @thehappynews123 A great way to end the term with lots of positivity…
Raffle tickets are still on sale! Last day is Tuesday 🎁🎁🎁 Thanks to @bedford_yr6 for selling the tickets🎅🏼🌲🎅🏼
Attendance results are in for WB 06/12/21 1LQ = 94.14% 1CD = 91.28% Our school target is 97% Let's try and achieve…
We are very lucky! Thank you @emilycoxhead at @thehappynews123 A great way to end the term with lots of positivity…
Raffle tickets are still on sale! Last day is Tuesday 🎁🎁🎁 Thanks to @bedford_yr6 for selling the tickets🎅🏼🌲🎅🏼
RT @DTBedfordDrive1: It has been wonderful to speak with some children in school today about DT. All children have been super positive a…
RT @bedfordyr_1ks1: Science @BedfordScience1 @Bedford_Drive We loved testing out the materials to see which would best protect Humpty…
RT @Year3_Bedford: @Bedford_Drive Congratulations on your superb achievement in cheer leading! Congratulations!
RT @Year3_Bedford: @Bedford_Drive Well done earning your Dojos this week for always being ready and having the best attitude towards y…
RT @Year3_Bedford: @Bedford_Drive Congratulations for completing your November reading challenge.
RT @bedford_yr4: What an exciting week we have had researching, designing, evaluating and then making our own pizza. Future chefs in…
RT @bedford_yr4: Congratulations to our Star of the week ⭐️ and Class Dojo Champion in 4RS 👏