A Message from Mrs Bridges

I am the proud Headteacher of Bedford Drive Primary School, which is a happy,

caring and friendly school with high aspirations for each and every one of our


In September 2016 we moved into our newly built school, which has

enabled teaching and learning to be even more inspirational and exciting.

Bedford Drive Primary School is a school where children are Inspired, given the

ability to Believe in themselves and encouraged to Succeed in whatever they

choose to do.

Our ethos is to enable our children to become, Successful Learners,

Confident Individuals and Responsible Citizens with an understanding of

themselves, local community and the wider world. As such, we promote

diversity, equality and tolerance. To support the development of our children into

successful rounded adults we also develop attitudes to learning through our

school values and behaviour expectations of Ready, Respectful and Safe.

Staff care passionately about the aspirations of all children at Bedford Drive and

our focus on basic skills prepares all our children for lifelong learning. We

believe in developing the ‘whole child’ so that our children are prepared for the

next stage in learning and life. We believe who the children are, and who they

become is equally as important as what they achieve or attain.

Staff provide exciting opportunities and challenge throughout all areas of the

curriculum, making school an exciting and inspiring place to be. We offer an

exciting curriculum, which has been designed to engage all our children and

help them develop a love of learning and promote curiosity, investigation and

problem solving.

Bedford Drive Primary School is an inclusive school where we cater for the

needs of all children to the best of our ability. We develop strong relationships

with our parents and carers and encourage you to share in the learning journey

of your child and become involved in school life. Parents are invited to share

learning during parents evening, open afternoons, class assemblies. We also

offer a number of workshops for parents to develop their own skills alongside

the children, the cooking one is very popular!

We are very proud of our school and its continuing success. This is down to the

strong relationships between all members of our school community and our

amazing children.

We aim to continually improve and ensure our school delivers the highest

professional standards.

If you would like to visit, we would love to show you around our wonderful


Please do not hesitate to contact us on 0151 645 1561 for a visit or if you have

any queries at all.

Rebecca Bridges
