Whole School Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

At Bedford Drive Primary, we have constructed an ambitious curriculum to offer a range of experiences which contribute to every child receiving a full and rich curriculum. The range of experiences and learning opportunities we offer ensures that our children benefit from a variety of academic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural activities.

We carefully analyse and discuss our pupil’s backgrounds, life experiences and cultures which has helped us to design a curriculum that is ambitious and will ensure our children can successfully meet the challenges in the next stage of their education and lives.

We want our children to be:

Successful learners – we want our children to feel valued and have a sense of achievement in a wide range of curriculum areas. We also provide opportunities and experiences for our children to see possibilities available for their future.

Confident individuals – we want our children to enjoy coming into school, therefore have constructed a relevant, engaging curriculum, based on their interests to promote a love of learning and encourage curiosity; whilst ensuring they live safe, happy, healthy and fulfilling lives.

Responsible citizens – we aim to offer experiences which help them become resourceful learners who use their initiative, and make a positive contribution to society.

Curriculum Implementation

At Bedford Drive Primary, we design, organise and plan our curriculum to ensure that children are not merely covering content but also achieving a depth to their learning which enables them to use their knowledge, skills and understanding across all areas of the curriculum. We aim for a mastery approach.

We have a rigorous approach to the teaching of reading and develop a confidence and enjoyment of reading through a Literacy spine to enhance the curriculum. This is implemented throughout school to ensure that we immerse our children with high-quality, engaging texts and rich vocabulary.

Our careful curriculum design and planning means that we build in opportunities for repetition and practise essential knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum. This ensures that children are able to revisit previous learning and help them to remember in the long term, content taught and how to integrate new knowledge into larger concepts. We aim to build schemas and want to move our children’s thinking to a higher level in order to develop a deep understanding rather than just acquiring new facts and knowledge.

Curriculum Impact

We believe that through the curriculum, we can impact on what a child is feeling about themselves so that they feel confident and competent; ready to tackle any challenge that they may face. Our curriculum ensures that every child receives an appropriate mix of academic and personal development and here at Bedford Drive, we place high priority on ensuring children’s physical and mental well-being needs are being met.

We carefully monitor progress and have an ambitious curriculum, therefore our children develop detailed knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum and as a result, make good progress and achieve well.

Our full and rich curriculum, with its excellent range of experience ensures that every pupil at Bedford Drive Primary School makes good progress both academically and personally. Our unique curriculum ensures that every child is given the opportunity to shine and flourish.

Bedford Drive Primary School is proud to offer all pupils to study the breadth of the National Curriculum, including those who have SEN and/or disabilities and those who are disadvantaged. Expectations are high for every pupil and appropriate levels of challenge and support

Pupils come from a mixed urban area of Wirral. Our curriculum builds on the interests, strengths, talents and experiences of all our pupils, providing the ‘cultural capital’ (the best knowledge, skills and understandings) they need to succeed in life. The curriculum promotes: Global, Social, Health, Environmental, Financial, Entrepreneurial, Spiritual, Social and Cultural awareness. We aim to widen the children’s horizons and raise aspirations about the world of work and further education. One of the ways we do this is through children learning about a range of inspirational people, both male and female and who share the context of the pupils who excel in the subjects studied e.g. designers, architects, scientists and chefs.

You can find out more about our curriculum by visiting the subject sections of the website, or by accessing each individual year group.