““Computing is no longer about computers. It is about living.” ”
The school has adapted the National Curriculum for Computing as defined by the Department for Education. The National Curriculum for Computing aims to ensure that all pupils:
can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology
We would like to share our work and learning from Autumn Term 2023
Foundation 1
In Computing Foundation 1 have been learning about patterns in the environment and making their own repeating patterns in the form of Autumn garlands. We have listened to the story of Smartie the Penguin and his online dilemma, we discussed what he should do and how we can stay safe online.
Foundation 2
This term Foundation 2 have been learning about e-safety. We have been watching the story of Smartie the penguin who had some problems and we had to help him find a solution! We have also enjoyed using the smartboard to play phonics and maths games.
Year 1
In Year 1 we have spent the Autumn term developing our understanding of technology in the world around us. We have explored and evaluated different types of technology, as well as identified and learnt to use the key components on technological devices such as laptops and iPads. We then used these skills to create different types of digital art in the style of artists such as, Henri Matisse, Georges Seurat and Wassily Kandinsky.
Year 2
In Year 2, we have been learning about digital photography, looking at how to take a good photograph, using landscape, portrait and good lighting. We have been practicing taking photos around the school and in the classroom that we have now began to start editing and changing. We have also been discussing the benefits of IT, when we use it and how to use it properly.
Year 3
During Autumn 1 we had a look at our unit of work ‘Connecting computers’. This involved looking at how devices are connected to each other and discussing inputs, processes and outputs. Children enjoyed learning about how our own school network works and they created their own ‘network’. Children have enjoyed our Autumn 2 topic of Stop Frame Animation. Children have created small flip books and discussed the term onion skinning to create their own stop frame animations using the iMotion app.
Year 4
During the autumn term, Year 4 learnt to recognise the internet as a network of networks including the world wide web and why we should evaluate online content. We have also been learning about audio production and how to capture and edit audio in order to produce a podcast. In online safety, we learnt about ‘Rings of Responsibility’ when we share content online and ‘The Power of Words’ and how what we say online can impact on others positively and negatively. We have had workshops delivered by Hi-impact to help us learn how to use micro bits to program a step-o-meter which we really enjoyed.
Year 5
In Autumn 1, Year 5 learnt all about computing systems and networks. They looked at everyday systems such as washing machines and pelican crossings. They learnt all about sensors and why these can be useful for things like pedestrian crossings and security lights. They moved on to designing their very own system: a talking teddy bear, and then on to designing their own website with a URL and outward links.
During Autumn 2, Year 5 have learnt about vector drawings- these are drawings made with shapes and lines. We have explored tools on Google Drawing including copy, paste, rotate, fill, change border and zoom in/ out. Children have all created their own vector drawings including houses and animals.
We would like to share our work and learning from Summer Term 2023
Year 2
During the summer term, children listened to Music by Gustav Holst and talked about how it made them feel. They then created their own Music using Chrome Music Lab, which they loved. They explored pitch, rhythm and beat. After this, they moved on to some Coding work. We are also taking part in two very exciting Hi-Impact workshops exploring pond life and coding. We can’t wait!
Year 3
Throughout summer children have enhanced their computing skills by looking at Desktop Publishing. Children create their own leaflet online by manipulating text size, font and layout. Children also imported pictures to support their texts, designing the leaflet to by attractive and inviting.
During Summer 2, children have continued their understanding of programming with Scratch to create a game. Children have read, written and debugged code in order to manipulate sprites within scratch.
Year 4
In computing, we have learned about photo editing. We learnt how we could edit photos for clarity or to make them look like something else and we also had lots of discussion about why people might create edited images and how to recognise the dangers that fake images can produce. We then looked at programming games using Scratch by investigating different types of loops.
Year 5
During the Summer term we have been busy enhancing our Computer skills in Programming.
In Summer 1, we carried out our ‘Selection in Quizzes’ unit where we looked at simple quizzes with ‘yes/no’ answers. These then led to the next step of more questions, leading to a final answer. Children explored quizzes and then designed and evaluated their own.
In Summer 2, we carried out our ‘Selection in Physical Computing’ unit, which required us to become familiar with a Programming tool called Crumble. We learnt how to attach wires, sparkles (LED lights) and push switches to a cell pack and to our computer. We then programmed the sparkle/s to flash in different colours, set loops and repeated patterns/ timings.
Year 6
Our summer term work focused on using a computer to produce 3D models. We began by familiarising ourselves with working in a 3D space, moving, resizing, and duplicating objects to create a name badge. We then created hollow objects using placeholders and combined multiple objects to create a model of a desk tidy. Finally, we explored grouping and ungrouping 3D objects, before planning, developing, and evaluating our own 3D model of a building.
We would like to share our work and learning from Spring Term 2023
Foundation 1
In Computing, F1 have been learning about instructions, sequencing and directional language. The children enjoyed taking part in a workshop exploring robotic toys and learning how they move.
Foundation 2
This term Foundation 2 have been learning about programming. We have been lucky enough to have a visitor into school who has shown us how to programme toys so they move how we want!
Year 1
In Computing this term, we have developed our skills by exploring the different tools in a word processing document. We created our own ‘Lost Teddy’ posters and edited them using Bold, Underline and Italic tools to create impact. We practised saving our work so we could retrieve it in a future lesson. We have then progressed to looking at data in computing and how information is stored and can be sorted. We practised sorting different data into groups and worked together to ascribe labels. During e-safety week, we discussed how we stay safe online and what to do if we ever felt unsafe.
Year 2
In Computing this term, we have been looking at programming. We started off by following instructions and then writing some of our own. We used algorithms to programme a robot then we wrote our own algorithms. We were able to programme our robots to follow a route and avoid different obstacles.
During the second half term the children have been learning all about data handling. We began by creating ‘offline’ graphs first but we were then able to apply these skills to create graphs using our iPads. The information we have collected has helped us with our STEM research all about favourite vegetables.
Year 3
In Year 3 we have been learning how to programme sprites using Scratch. We learnt how to use coding to give commands to three different sprites to make them move in different ways as well as creating sequences to make music! We have also learnt about and discussed how we stay safe online and what to do if we ever felt unsafe.
Year 4
This term in Computing, we have learned about the programming language Logo. We began by investigating simple commands in order to draw straight lines and simple 2D shapes, before creating more complex patterns with repeating codes. We investigated how to problem solve using this programming language, by completing tasks such as maze adventures, obstacle courses and fixing errors in code. Our e-safety lessons this term focussed on identifying fake news and exploring the importance of fact checking all that we see online. We also learned about the power of passwords, and why we must ensure that we have strong passwords on our devices for our own safety and security.
Year 5
During the first half term, we learnt all about video production. We watched and analysed some videos by Dan TDM then learnt about different camera angles and why they are used. We then practised using each camera angle including close up, mid-range, long shot, panning shot and low/ mid/ high angles. We selected which angles we thought were best and created out own videos linked to our clarinets; how to assemble your clarinet, how to play a note, or how to disassemble your clarinet. During the second half term, we have learnt all about data bases. We have created our own paper database about animals and explored computer databases to see how these are much easier to sort and organise.
Year 6
During the first half of the term we completed a unit that focused on variables in games. We began by exploring what variables were and how they could change the variables within an algorithm. We then went on to improving existing games before designing a game of our own. We really enjoyed playing each other’s games and giving feedback. In the second half of the term, we completed a unit on data and information in which we were exploring and using spreadsheets. By the end of the unit, we were able to modify spreadsheets, use formula and present information in a spreadsheet confidently. In addition to this, we have completed e-safety lessons and taken part in safer internet day which focused on cyberbullying, social media and groups chats.
We would like to share our work and learning from Autumn Term 2022
Foundation 1
Foundation 1 have been learning about patterns in the environment and making their own repeating patterns in the form of Autumn garlands. We have used the interactive whiteboard to continue ABAB patterns using 2D shapes.
Foundation 2
This term Foundation 2 have been learning about safety. We have been watching the story of Smartie the penguin who had some problems and we had to help him find a solution!
Year 1
In Year 1 we have spent the Autumn term developing our understanding of technology in the world around us. We have explored and evaluated different types of technology, as well as identified and learnt to use the key components on technological devices such as laptops and iPads. We then used these skills to create different types of digital art in the style of artists such as, Henri Matisse, Georges Seurat and Wassily Kandinsky.
Year 2
In Year 2 we have been learning about digital photography. We learnt that a photograph can be taken in portrait or landscape and how to take a good photograph. We have been practising these skills using the iPads to take photographs around the classroom and outside.
Year 3
During Autumn 1 we had a look at our topic Connecting computers. This involved looking at how devices are connected to each other and discussing inputs, processes and outputs. Children enjoyed looking at the server room within school to see how our own school network works.
Children have enjoyed our Autumn 2 topic of Stop Frame Animation. Children have created small flip books and discussed the term onion skinning to create their own stop frame animations.
Year 4
During the Autumn term, Year 4 learnt to recognise the internet as a network of networks including the WWW and why we should evaluate online content. We have also been learning about audio production and how to capture and edit audio in order to produce a podcast. In online safety, we learnt about ‘Rings of Responsibility’ when we share content online and the ‘This is Me’ where we considered our online identity. We have had workshops delivered by hi-impact to help us learn how to use Adobe Spark to make a video about the Romans and we also experienced a Breakout room where we developed our team building and problem solving skills.
Year 5
In Autumn 1, Year 5 learnt all about computing systems and networks. They looked at everyday systems such as washing machines and pelican crossings. They learnt all about sensors and why these can be useful for things like pedestrian crossings and security lights. They moved on to designing their very own system: a talking teddy bear, and then on to designing their own website with a URL and outward links.
During Autumn 2, Year 5 have learnt about vector drawings- these are drawings made with shapes and lines. We have explored tools on Google Drawing including copy, paste, rotate, fill, change border and zoom in/ out. Children have all created their own vector drawings including houses and animals.
Year 6
Here is a selection of our work over the school year 2021/22:
Summer Term
Foundation 2
This term Foundation 2 have been learning about technology in the wider world. We have enhanced our home corner to support this in child initiated continuous provision using a laptop, IPad and mobile phone.
Spring Term
Year 1
In Year 1, we have spent the spring term developing our understanding and application of programming and coding. The children have enjoyed enrichment opportunities where they have been able to Beebots to create code and get the robot to travel in a particular way. They are able to predict the outcome of a command and match a command to an outcome. The children have also enjoyed immersing themselves within a story setting during a Now Press Play session.
Year 2
Year 2 have enjoyed using digital devices to take the perfect photograph. They have been learning about the orientation, framing, focus and the subject within a picture. They have applied this knowledge to capture images and suggest ways that they could improve it. The children have also studied barcodes and developed an understanding of how the black and white parts create an image linking to information.
Year 3
Year 3 have been busy utilising their Chromebooks to create and present a range of media. Pupils have confidently navigated their way around Google Slides where they have created a presentation about a balanced diet. They have focused on font size, backgrounds, inserting photographs, adding pages and using hyperlinks. Pupils have also been exploring Google Sheets, where they have collected data about the prices of items within supermarkets, they were able to highlight cells and even use a formula to find the total amounts. They have also enjoyed building branching databases to sort items according to their properties.
Year 4
The pupils in year 4 have been exploring what the internet is and how networks help connect us. They have revisited how to stay safe online and understand the importance of this. The children have also developed their understanding of code, by writing code of their own, writing algorithms to create a specific shape.
Year 5
Year 5 have been exploring the media of film and video. In their computing lessons, pupils have been identifying film techniques and altering the visuals, such as moving from high shots to low shots. They have examined storyboards and analysed them, noting areas of strength and areas for improvement. Year 5 have identified ways to keep safe on the internet and when playing games online.
Year 6
Year 6 have enjoyed using Scratch as their programming application. They have used blocks of code to create instructions for their characters to follow; they are able to identify errors in code and are able to explore code with confidence. They also enjoyed creating databases using Airtable where they were able to collect data collaboratively and filter information.
Autumn Term
Foundation 2 - Programming 'Code and Go Mice'
During the Autumn term reception have been exploring the different uses of ipads, including taking some fabulous photographs! They have also been using the 'Code and Go Mice' to program around a track. They gave the input the instructions on the direction the mice need to travel.
Year 1 - Technology Around As
Year 1 began this unit by exploring what technology was. They had to opportunity to experiment using a keyboard, mouse, trackpad and back space key. They all worked so hard and were able to create a digital drawing of themself using the paint application. This involved them using their precise mouse skills and knowledge to select the correct drawing tools. Additionally, the children were able to use the keyboard to type their names.
Year 2 - Information Technology
In Year 2, children have been exploring the different types of information technology. They used their own experience and knowledge to categorise the different forms of information technology depending on their uses in a home.
Year 3 - Connecting Computers
Children began by exploring the difference between digital and non-digital. They were given the challenge of replicating their non-digital drawings on an ipad, comparing the difference in the quality and when these images may be necessary or suitable. Year 3 then began exploring how different computers and devices are connected. They used skipping ropes to show the different connections and how a switch would be used to direct messages
Year 4 - The Internet
Children have been exposed to the internet for many years by the time they are in year 4. However, during Autumn year 4 had the chance to explore how the internet worked and how it connected to other devices and switches. Following on from this, they learnt all about the world wide web and how websites are used and their purposes.
Year 5 - Sharing Information
Every child wants to be a ‘Youtuber’. In this activity Year 5 learnt about what that actually means and they will explore the positive and negatives associated with being a YouTuber. The children were given the opportunity to create their own vlog, edit and then critique it. In completing this unit the children have learn about online safety. In relating the learning outcomes to a YouTuber the children have considered the risks of their online lives in a real life scenario. Throughout this activity there have been lots of opportunities to discuss online safety too.
Year 6 - Communication
Children regularly face decisions when they are online and while they may have the knowledge to make the correct choices their behaviours don’t always reflect this knowledge. This activity is aimed at putting Year 6 into scenarios they may encounter online and seeing how they would respond.
There are a number of ways that you can support with your child’s learning at home in Computing, please click here to look at the suggestions that we have made for you.
Key Stage 1
BBC Bitesize Activities for KS1
ChildNet Online Safety resources
Barefoot Computing Home Learning Activities
Computing at Schools (CAS) Learning Activities
Key Stage 2
BBC Bitesize Activities for KS2
Code Studio Programming Activities
ChildNet Online Safety Resources
Barefoot Computing Home Learning Activities
Computing at Schools (CAS) Learning Activities
At Bedford Drive Primary School, we have constructed an ambitious Computing Curriculum, which follows the content of the EYFS Statutory Framework and the National Curriculum. These documents, along with our School Policy, are available below:
Attendance results are in for WB 06/12/21 1LQ = 94.14% 1CD = 91.28% Our school target is 97% Let's try and achieve… https://t.co/Q3OYqJJz8q
We are very lucky! Thank you @emilycoxhead at @thehappynews123 A great way to end the term with lots of positivity… https://t.co/BNRGeh38Zu
Raffle tickets are still on sale! Last day is Tuesday 🎁🎁🎁 Thanks to @bedford_yr6 for selling the tickets🎅🏼🌲🎅🏼 https://t.co/hP7jjSBCir
RT @DTBedfordDrive1: It has been wonderful to speak with some children in school today about DT. All children have been super positive a… https://t.co/Q6KHvmrNg4
RT @bedfordyr_1ks1: Science @BedfordScience1 @Bedford_Drive We loved testing out the materials to see which would best protect Humpty… https://t.co/vmiBrReoEk
RT @Year3_Bedford: @Bedford_Drive Congratulations on your superb achievement in cheer leading! Congratulations! https://t.co/nE7XpaoThA
RT @Year3_Bedford: @Bedford_Drive Well done earning your Dojos this week for always being ready and having the best attitude towards y… https://t.co/JPX2i0CZWZ
RT @Year3_Bedford: @Bedford_Drive Congratulations for completing your November reading challenge. https://t.co/rNIC9IRwmy
RT @bedford_yr4: What an exciting week we have had researching, designing, evaluating and then making our own pizza. Future chefs in… https://t.co/mbfL2xxLZN
RT @bedford_yr4: Congratulations to our Star of the week ⭐️ and Class Dojo Champion in 4RS 👏 https://t.co/y3nfCVZGPm