P.E. at Bedford Drive Primary School
““PE makes every child stronger and every life longer.””
The school has adapted the National Curriculum for P.E. as defined by the Department for Education. The National Curriculum for P.E. aims to ensure that all pupils:
Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities;
Are physically active for sustained periods of time;
Engage in competitive sports and activities;
Lead healthy, active lives.
There are a number of ways that you can support your child with P.E. at home and Mr Fisher, Subject Leader for P.E has prepared the following information that may be useful for you.
We would like to share our work and learning from Summer Term 2023
Foundation 2
During the summer term, F2 explored how to balance and manage their own bodies within Athletic activities. We were able to stretch, reach and move in a variety of different ways. We enjoyed applying our new skills learnt, during Sports Day.
Year 1
We recapped our prior knowledge of running, jumping and throwing within athletics from our F2 PE lessons. Year 1 then began to link running and jumping together to jump for distance. We also developed different throwing techniques, in order to help us throw over long distances.
Year 2
During the summer term, Y2 developed their power, agility, coordination and balance in order to help them negotiate obstacles. We especially enjoyed the obstacle races, during sports day.
Year 3
Y3 developed their agility and speed in order to help them jump for height and distance within Athletics. We also applied the same principles for throwing.
Year 4
Y4 investigated, different ways of performing running, jumping and throwing actions. We also used a variety of equipment to help measure time and distance across running, jumping and throwing. We have also enjoyed learning the rules of cricket and rounders whilst developing the skills that we have learnt throughout the year.
Year 5
Y5 investigated different ways to sustain pace over short and long distances, within running. We also ran as a relay team and used different tactics in order to improve our running time. We understood the use of a baton in a relay race and how to correctly hold and exchange the baton.
Year 6
Y6 applied, strength and flexibility in their running, throwing and jumping. We became judges and umpires across a variety of different athletic activities. We enjoyed playing those umpiring skills within sports day.
We would like to share our work and learning from Spring Term 2023
Foundation 1
In P.E, Foundation 1 have enjoyed learning Gymnastics. The children have practised moving their bodies in different ways, negotiating space, balancing and jumping off different apparatus.
Foundation 2
The children can recognise that actions to move in time to music, different patterns and different speeds of the music. They could copy, repeat and perform simple movement patterns. The children really enjoy PE and are great at getting changed now!
Year 1
Children were able to respond to a range of different types of music. They successfully experimented with creating different actions with a range of body parts to music.
In our OAA lessons children used thinking skills to follow multi-step instructions from a teacher or class mate. We took on challenges and built up our confidence in trying to better ourselves in different tasks.
Year 2
Children in Year 2 were challenged to move imaginatively to different pieces of music. Children worked individually and as a group to perform a short movement sequence.
Some of the children attended a football tournament at Anfield stadium! It was very exciting.
The children have also been enjoying using physical activities to help them to learn the continents, days, counting to 100 and in different multiples, and 2D and 3D shape.
Year 3
This term the children built up different sections of a dance in order to create a final performance. Children were encouraged at using facial expressions to enhance to story the children were telling.
As part of their OAA unit of work, Year 3 have taken part in teamwork activities. They have used imagination and team work to collect treasure from the sea without leaving their ship.
Year 4
In Year 4 the children created a dance performance that had a set start and finishing position. The children were encouraged to think about how a story within a dance would evolve, using the start/finish positions and the speed of a piece of music.
In our OAA lessons, we worked well as a group to come up strategies to solve problems.
Year 5
This term in Year 5 children were asked to work in small groups and as a class to perform a dance that provided clear moves and fluency throughout. Then the children were asked to the refine and improve a dance through peer feedback and use of ICT within lessons.
In OAA, children have explored different ways of communicating in a range of challenging activities. We navigated and solved problems from memory.
Year 6
In Year 6 the children have been able to recognise different types of music and dance from different parts of the world and cultures. The children practised and performed these dances and were able to showcase them to their peers. It was great fun!
During OAA, we used information given by others to complete tasks. We took it in turns to take responsibility for a role in a task and we used knowledge from PE to help us in our OAA lessons.
We would like to share our work and learning from Autumn Term 2022
Foundation 1
This term Foundation 1 have been learning how to negotiate space in the hall. We have played lots of warm up games and used bean bags and hoops to practise balance and coordination skills. We have been learning about cooling down and drinking water after exercising.
Foundation 2
In Foundation 2 children have successfully got changed throughout their first PE lessons and learnt how to move around safely in the hall. We have explored using different types of equipment. We have used the equipment to balance with, throw, catch and kick.
Year 1
Year 1 have practised basic movements including running, jumping, balancing and catching. We have attempted to roll, throw and kick to a target. We have explored using different types of equipment. We have begun to look at how we use different body parts for different exercises and how our starts to beat faster as we engage in exercise.
Year 2
In Year 2, we have begun to move a ball confidently around an area with our feet. One of our key words in PE this autumn term has been ‘control’ and we have shown this throughout with a ball and the use of our feet. We have worked in pairs and groups to dribble and pass the balls of different sixes.
Year 3
Children have being looking at Invasion Games during Autumn 1. They have been looking at games involving throwing, catching, kicking and dribbling. Children have understood the need for using space effectively to build an attack as well as using their skills to maintain possession.
During Autumn 2 children have been looking at tennis for our Net and Wall topic. Children have been practising their serving to begin a game and exploring their forehand hitting.
Year 4
In Year 4 we undertook a block of Basketball. We looked at basic skills and increased our confidence in dribbling, throwing and shooting. We developed a range of handling skills to attack defenders around the basket in order to score. We also used footwork skills, such as pivoting to outwit defenders. We understood basic defending skills to stop an attacking player 1 on 1.
Year 5
Year 5 have enjoyed working on teamwork through Basketball this term. We have used strength, agility and coordination when defending the basket. When attacking we have increased the power and strength of our passes and working on moving the ball accurately in a variety of situations. We have begun to apply tactics and techniques as a team to play with consistency.
Year 6
In Year 6, we have used specific handball skills learnt in Y4/5 and applied them to a game situation. We have improved group tactics and our gameplay. We have enjoyed using a jump shot to improve our shot play around the D in front of goal. We implemented ‘screening’ around the D.
We have introduced more Handball rules aligned with British Handball rules and took it in turns to referee games.
Here is a selection of our work over the school year 2021/22:
Summer Term
Year 1: Stop, start, pause, prepare for and anticipate movements in different situations
Year 2: Develop power, agility, co-ordination and balance over a variety of activities.
Year 3: Control body and movements in response to specific instructions.
Year 4: Use a variety of equipment and stations to help improve running, jumping and throwing.
Year 5: Perform a range of jumping and throwing demonstrating increased power and accuracy.
Year 6: Apply flexibility and strength in a broad range of running, jumping and throwing activities.
Spring Term
Here is a selection of our learning from the Spring term.
Foundation 1 and 2 - To develop confidence in fundamental movement. Experience jumping, sliding and rolling movements. To get changed confidently into PE kit without help.
Year 1 - Use simple gymnastic actions and shapes. Begin to carry basic apparatus. Explore space, direction, levels and speeds when performing with music.
Year 2 - Perform with control and consistency basic actions Create and perform a simple sequence. Challenge themselves to move imaginatively responding to music.
Year 3 - Consolidate and improve movements and gymnastic actions. Relate strength and flexibility to actions. Practice and put together a performance to music. Recognise a beat within a dance.
Year 4 - Become increasingly competent and confident to perform skills more consistently. Perform a gymnastics and dance routine with a partner and as part of a group.
Year 5 - Create longer and more complex sequences and performances. Take the lead within a group performance. Develop symmetry through Gymnastics and Dance
Year 6 - Demonstrate accuracy, consistency and clarity in movements. Experience flight on and off apparatus. Refine an improve dances adapting them to include the use of space, rhythm and expression.
Autumn Term
Foundation 1 and 2: Travel with control and co-ordination. Change direction at speed.
Year 1: Can make simple decisions about when and where to run. Can show a good awareness of others in running, chasing and avoiding games. Begin to play team games.
Year 2: Can pass a ball accurately to a partner over a variety of distances. Can perform a range of rolling, throwing, striking, kicking, catching and gathering skills, with control. Can throw and catch a ball with a partner.
Year 3: Send and receive balls in a variety of sports. Develop skills to handle hockey sticks and improve agility. Play small sided Hockey games.
Year 4: Compete in a range of increasingly challenging situations. Develop simple tactics for attacking and defending. Play competitive games, modified where appropriate
Year 5: Apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending. Play competitive games, modified where appropriate through team and individual game. Compete in a range of increasingly challenging situations
Year 6: Develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports. Participate in team games. Compete in a range of increasingly challenging situations. Use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition.
At Bedford Drive Primary School, we have constructed an ambitious P.E. curriculum, which follows the content of the EYFS statutory framework and the National Curriculum. These documents, along with our school policy, are available below.
You can also keep up-to-date on how school are working on this subject throughout school via our Twitter Page for P.E.
8 lucky Year 2 children attended a fun filled Football morning at @LFC today! ⚽️😀 Thanks to @LFCFoundation for invi… https://t.co/u9MBMA6DAb
RT @RockFerrySchPE: A massive thank you our friends at @BDPE_Out coming down to play a basketball fixture last night 🏀🤝
RT @Mrs_L_Sanders: PE As part of our first OAA lesson in @Year3_Bedford children worked together to collect as much treasure as they… https://t.co/jugPZFsYzE
“PE is the only subject that will make your heart race!”